Dr. Elizabeth King

Dr. Elizabeth King
Associate Professor of Biological Sciences
401 Tucker Hall

Different individuals vary a lot in complex traits like how one’s diet affects their body weight or how long they live, or how many offspring they have. Dr. King's research seeks to understand how changes in the genome connect to variation in these kinds of traits. Dr. King is a faculty member in the Department of Biological Sciences.


The goal of research in my lab is to explain the diversity of life history strategies among organisms. Why do some organisms live for many years while others only live for weeks or months? Why do some organisms produce very large offspring while others produce tiny young? We use genomic and quantitative techniques to understand the genetic basis of these life history strategies and how different strategies evolve. We primarily, though not exclusively, use insect model systems for our research.

Select Publications

Scaling of soil organic carbon in space and time in the Southern Coastal Plain, USA, R Sharma, MR Levi, MC Ricker, A Thompson, EG King, K Robertson, Science of The Total Environment 933, 173060 (2024)

Efficacy and Costs of Restoring Wetland Breeding Habitat for Imperiled Amphibians in the Southeastern US, ET Stonecypher, LS Lee, SM Weir, EG King, CE Davis, SL Lance, Wetlands 44 (5), 65 (2024)

Naturally segregating genetic variants contribute to thermal tolerance in a Drosophila melanogaster model system, PA Williams-Simon, C Oster, JA Moaton, R Ghidey, E Ng’oma, Genetics 227 (1), iyae040 (2024)

Larval protein restriction interacts with adult diet to increase fitness in an outbred multiparent population. A Jones, D Donnell, EG King, E Ng'oma, bioRxiv, 2024.02. 10.579751 (2024)

Identifying the genetic basis of learning skills in Drosophila melanogaster through direction selection. J Baumann, R Heffern, V Hamlin, E King, Artifacts Journal 21, 2-3 (2023)